Spectrum analysis, spectrochemistry, mass spectrometry

Top selling books in Spectrum analysis, spectrochemistry, mass spectrometry

Molecules and Radiation
Jeffrey I Steinfeld
Paperback (2005-06-01)
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Introduction To Hilbert Space and The Theory Of Spectral Multiplicity
Paul R Halmos
Paperback (2017-12-01)
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Astronomical Spectroscopy For Amateurs
Ken M Harrison
Paperback (2011-02-01)
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Basic Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Hollas- J Michael
Paperback (2002-08-01)
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Vibration Spectrum Analysis
Steve Goldman
Paperback (1999-01-01)
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Strategic Applications Of Named Reactions In Organic Synthesis
Barbara Czako Laszlo Kurti
Paperback (2005-03-01)
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Principles Of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy
Shaul Mukamel
Paperback (1999-04-01)
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Foundations Of Laser Spectroscopy
Stig Stenholm
Paperback (2005-12-01)
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Mass Spectrometry
K Downard
Paperback (2004-08-01)
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Light and Matter
Yehuda B Band
Paperback (2006-09-01)
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Spin Dynamics
Malcolm H Levitt
Paperback (2008-04-01)
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Astronomical Spectroscopy
Jonathan Tennyson
Paperback (2019-06-01)
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Neutron Scattering In Condensed Matter Physics
Thierry Strassle Joel Mesot Albert Furrer
Paperback (2009-05-01)
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Grating Spectroscopes and How To Use Them
Ken M Harrison
Paperback (2012-03-01)
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Esd Protection Device and Circuit Design For Advanced Cmos Technologies
Manoj Hossein; Sachdev Oleg; Sarbishaei Semenov
Paperback (2010-10-01)
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Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy
Anil K Pradhan; Sultana N Nahar
Paperback (2015-01-01)
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Quantum Optics
G J Milburn D F Walls
Paperback (1995-03-01)
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Advanced Power Mosfet Concepts
B Jayant Baliga
Paperback (2014-10-01)
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Food Analysis Laboratory Manual
S Suzanne Nielsen
Paperback (2017-06-01)
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Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy
Alan Corney
Paperback (2006-11-01)
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Electronic and Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Timothy G Miklos/ Wright Andrew M / Feher Ellis
Paperback (2011-04-01)
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Understanding Nmr Spectroscopy
James Keeler
Paperback (2010-06-01)
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Surface Analysis Of Polymers By Xps and Static Sims
D Briggs
Paperback (2005-12-01)
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Basic Theoretical Physics
Uwe Krey; Anthony Owen
Paperback (2010-11-01)
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